select id, url, name, guideurl, guidelink, guidetitle, guidemetadescription, dirtitle, dhtmltitle, htmldesciption, metadescription, keywordsdesc, categorydesc, htmldesciption, practicetesturl, toppagelinks, examid, examtext1, examtext2, examimage from categories where url=? and enabled is not null
field (s) = practice-Cognitive-Ability-Practice-Test
select id, name, url, guideurl, guidelink, guidecontent, guidebox, guidetitle, ghtmltitle, htmldesciption, keywordsdesc, tabletitle, what, who, wherefield, whenfield, how, type, why, time, language, preparation, cost, guidemetadescription, guidekeywordsdesc, guidedescription, practicetesturl, toppagelinks from categories where guideurl=? and enabled is not null
field (s) = practice-Cognitive-Ability-Practice-Test
select id, template, metatitle, metadescr, metakeywords from pagedata where page=? and active>0
field (s) = practice-Cognitive-Ability-Practice-Test
select name, value from publiccontent where page='All Pages' or page='All Pages'
select distinct,, p.menuname, x.qstnset, x.setname, x.pagename, ifnull(p.coverimage,c.hpsliderimage) cover, hpsliderimage, hpslidertitletop, hpslidertitlebottom from pagedata p, categories c, ( select m.productpageid, f.qstnset, f.setname, f.pagename, (select count(*) from examqstn q where q.qstnset=f.qstnset) cnt, m.biggest from examset f, ( select productpageid, max(cnt) biggest from ( select f.productpageid, f.qstnset, count(*) cnt from examset f, examqstn q where q.qstnset=f.qstnset and is null and f.offline is null and f.supercededon is null and f.productpageid is not null and f.categoryid= group by f.productpageid, f.qstnset ) x group by productpageid ) m where f.productpageid=m.productpageid and f.categoryid= and is null and f.offline is null and f.supercededon is null ) x where and and>0 and p.template='productpage.php' and x.cnt=x.biggest and (c.hpsliderimage is not null or p.coverimage is not null) and p.category=
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select distinct relatedcat from relatedcategories where catid=
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select distinct p.category,,, p.menuname, x.qstnset, x.setname, x.pagename, ifnull(p.coverimage,c.hpsliderimage) cover from pagedata p, categories c, ( select m.productpageid, f.qstnset, f.setname, f.pagename, (select count(*) from examqstn q where q.qstnset=f.qstnset) cnt, m.biggest from examset f, ( select productpageid, max(cnt) biggest from ( select f.productpageid, f.qstnset, count(*) cnt from examset f, examqstn q where q.qstnset=f.qstnset and is null and f.offline is null and f.supercededon is null and f.productpageid is not null group by f.productpageid, f.qstnset ) x group by productpageid ) m where f.productpageid=m.productpageid and is null and f.offline is null and f.supercededon is null ) x where and and>0 and p.template='productpage.php' and x.cnt=x.biggest and (c.hpsliderimage is not null or p.coverimage is not null)

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select name, value from paycontent where page='Mini Test' or page='All Pages'
select examid, examtext1, examtext2, examimage, examdone, examq1, examq2, examq3, datediff(now(),examqdate) examage from categories where id=554
select qstnid, question, answer, answerposn, explanation from examqstn where qstnid in (1010, 1013, 1012)
Software Developer Cetrification Practice Test
blah, blah, blah, blah...
1. As a seller's agent, you sell a house for $135,000. The selling price includes a six percent commission rate that your brokerage charges. The buyer's agent will get half the commission. What is your portion of the commission?
select answer, choice from examchoices where qstnid=1010 order by position
2. The zoning laws in your town require an apartment building to provide two and a half parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of inhabited space. A local apartment building has 20,000 square feet of apartments. How many parking spaces should it have?
select answer, choice from examchoices where qstnid=1012 order by position
3. The presence of lead paint in a home must only be disclosed if the home is being purchased using an FHA loan.
select answer, choice from examchoices where qstnid=1013 order by position

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NCE Practice Exam

Written by Diane Dean, LPC, RN-BC, MA - Lisa Slade, MS, LPC, NCC Stacy Fruhling, LCPC, LCADC, NCC, MAC

1. A counselor intensifies a client's emotional state to show the client the irrationality of her emotion reaction. What is this technique known as?
2. Despite its age, Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development is still in widespread use. Which of the following is the final level in the theory?


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