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Practice for Success
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select name, value from paycontent where page='Mini Test' or page='All Pages' select examid, examtext1, examtext2, examimage, examdone, examq1, examq2, examq3, datediff(now(),examqdate) examage from categories where id=554 select qstnid, question, answer, answerposn, explanation from examqstn where qstnid in (1010, 1013, 1012)
Software Developer Cetrification Practice Test
blah, blah, blah, blah...
1. As a seller's agent, you sell a house for $135,000. The selling price includes a six percent commission rate that your brokerage charges. The buyer's agent will get half the commission. What is your portion of the commission?
select answer, choice from examchoices where qstnid=1010 order by position
Correct - $135,000 x .06 = $8,100
$8,100 ÷ 2 = $4,050
Incorrect - please choose another answer.
2. The zoning laws in your town require an apartment building to provide two and a half parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of inhabited space. A local apartment building has 20,000 square feet of apartments. How many parking spaces should it have?
select answer, choice from examchoices where qstnid=1012 order by position
3. The presence of lead paint in a home must only be disclosed if the home is being purchased using an FHA loan.
select answer, choice from examchoices where qstnid=1013 order by position
Correct - Federal lead-based paint disclosures have nothing to do with the type of loan used to purchase a home. This federal law requires lead-based paint disclosures when the residential property—offered either for sale or lease—was constructed prior to 1978. Residential housing constructed prior to 1978 is called “target housing.” For target housing, a prospective tenant must be given the EPA-approved pamphlet on the dangers of lead. The EPA-approved pamphlet must also be given to prospective purchasers of target housing. But, additionally, prospective purchasers must be given a 10-day window to have the home tested for lead-based paint. Prospective buyers can waive testing. In fact, no party is legally obligated to test or pay for removal of lead-based paint. Finally, even if construction began after January 1, 1978, actual knowledge of lead-based paint on the premises must be disclosed to both prospective tenants and prospective buyers. Note: Federal lead-based paint disclosures are strict because lead poisoning can cause significant neurological damage, particularly to small children.
Test-Taking Tip: Lead-based paint disclosures are the responsibility of the seller or the landlord. However, if there is a real estate licensee involved in a transaction, the licensee has a duty to make sure the client is both aware of—and has complied with—the lead-based paint rules. In fact, licensees, buyers, and sellers all must sign the lead-based paint hazard addendum which is attached to the purchase contract or lease.
Incorrect - please choose another answer.
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NCE Practice Exam
Written by
Diane Dean, LPC, RN-BC, MA -
Lisa Slade, MS, LPC, NCC
Stacy Fruhling, LCPC, LCADC, NCC, MAC
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I want to let you know that I took my test today, and passed it. Thank you for the help....I want to let you know that I took my test today, and passed it. Thank you for the help.
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Brad - MBLEx
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Don't worry, this is not a complaint. I just wanted to thank your site, and the folks who compiled t...Don't worry, this is not a complaint. I just wanted to thank your site, and the folks who compiled the material in the HOBET test prep that I purchased from you for 29.95, because I just passed the HOBET and the money was SO well spent! I even encountered several questions on the actual test that were so close to examples covered in the practice that I almost knew the answer before reading the choices. My main weakness was the math area, and I spent hours and hours going over the material, and I went from a score in the low 50s to an 83% on the actual test. Again, thank you for the wonderful test prep material, you have my highest regards and I would easily recommend you to anyone preparing for the HOBET.
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Journeyman Electrician Practice Test
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Practice Exam Kit for the MBLEx
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Amir S.
Life & Health Insurance Agent Exam
About ACE Personal training certification ... I just wanted to say that i was a bit of a wreck think...About ACE Personal training certification ... I just wanted to say that i was a bit of a wreck thinking about my exam day and remembering all the things i had learned. I heard about this website from a video online and i am so thankful i purchased this product. My test is 2 days away and i feel much more prepared and that i will know what to expect. This product has been very beneficial to me. Thank you ..,. i passed. Thank you:)
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Krystal S.
ACE Personal Trainer
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Emma E.
Medical Assistant
I just want to let you know that i passed the masters test in the state of Wisconsin. Thank you very...I just want to let you know that i passed the masters test in the state of Wisconsin. Thank you very for your help. I would highly recommend your stuff.
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Steve A.
Journeyman Electrician Practice Test
I want to thank you for the service you provide. I used your practice tests while preparing to take ...I want to thank you for the service you provide. I used your practice tests while preparing to take the ACE personal trainer certification exam. They helped me identify areas of knowledge I needed to focus on. I passed my exam on the first attempt and I found that my scores in the four different categories were very close to the scores I got on the practice exams.
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L. Bennett
ACE Personal Trainer
Hello! I just subscribed to you NCE practice test information and it is really resourceful. ...Hello! I just subscribed to you NCE practice test information and it is really resourceful.
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Cynthia M.
NCE Practice Exam
No issues here...just wanted to say thanks! Between studying with ACE materials and the last couple ...No issues here...just wanted to say thanks! Between studying with ACE materials and the last couple weeks burning through the multiple choice on I passed. Thanks! Have a great day
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Damien J.
ACE Personal Trainer
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Real Estate Agent License Practice Exam
I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated having your services as I studied for my e...I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated having your services as I studied for my exam. I took my exam today, and I passed! I am so happy, and all of the test preparation I did on this website with my practice exams and flashcards was so incredibly helpful to me! I can't thank you enough, I am a certified personal trainer now, and your service played a huge role in helping me to achieve that! Please feel free to use this testimony in any advertising you do for your website. I stand behind your business 100%. Thanks so much!
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Christine L.
ACE Personal Trainer
The participants find your material very useful!
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Chief Quovella Spruill (Retired)
Police Practice Test Kit
I appreciate your outstanding customer service!...I appreciate your outstanding customer service!
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Tracy P
I wanted you to know that I passed the state electrical exam in Mississippi today. I can honestly sa...I wanted you to know that I passed the state electrical exam in Mississippi today. I can honestly say that played a major role.
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Happy Electrician Client
Electrician Practice Tests
I would like to thank you for an excellent study and the practice test experience! I took the NCE th...I would like to thank you for an excellent study and the practice test experience! I took the NCE this past Monday and passed the test with a good high score! Thanks again!
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NCE Practice Exam
When studying for my NCLEX exam, I used as one of my resources. I found that it was very ...When studying for my NCLEX exam, I used as one of my resources. I found that it was very helpful in giving me practice for the NCLEX questions. I felt confident about taking the exam. I was able to determine where I needed to study more and was able to improve how I was thinking about questions. I would recommended this tool be added to your test prep arsenal.
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Jennifer H.
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Real Estate Broker
Thanks to this prep I passed my MBLEx! Content covered all areas and was very helpful....Thanks to this prep I passed my MBLEx! Content covered all areas and was very helpful.
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Malory P.
Practice Exam Kit for the MBLEx
I passed both of my exams. Thank you. I will recommend passed both of my exams. Thank you. I will recommend
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Walter H.
Journeyman Electrician Practice Test
Honestly, it was the single most helpful tool to help me pass the personal trainer certification exa...Honestly, it was the single most helpful tool to help me pass the personal trainer certification exam and I've done about 10-15 practice tests and my score got better each time!
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Amal G.
ACE Personal Trainer
I just wanted to thank you for a great product (NCE Practice Exams Plus), I passed with its help!...I just wanted to thank you for a great product (NCE Practice Exams Plus), I passed with its help!
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Brian T.
NCE Practice Exam
Thank you for helping me pass the NCE. I'd been trying for two years to pass this. This study set he...Thank you for helping me pass the NCE. I'd been trying for two years to pass this. This study set helped me a lot with the format and instilling confidence. I'll recommend this product to anyone who needs the help.
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NCE Practice Exam
Thank you, you guys have an amazing system here and I can honestly say with out your service I would...Thank you, you guys have an amazing system here and I can honestly say with out your service I would not have passed my electrical exam. Thank you again
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Electrician Practice Tests
“Just wanted to inform that I passed my test (Medical Assistant) with a score of 8...
“Just wanted to inform that I passed my test (Medical Assistant) with a score of 86 on today. Thank you for the assistance. I'll be sure to refer your website to others.”
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I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I passed but did not see a place to leave a review, so I'm here. Sor...I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I passed but did not see a place to leave a review, so I'm here. Sorry, but really, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. FYI - SC tests have more info on the roles of the director and producers, etc. in addition to all the great information you provided. I was nervous because their wording is so different (Yours is much better written and more comprehensive). I thought I might fail, but thanks to what you taught me, I did not. I just had to say, for the last time THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. I hope you all have wonderful lives.
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Life & Health Insurance Agent Exam
I passed my CHPN exam this morning and wanted to say thank you! Is there somewhere I can leave a 5-s...I passed my CHPN exam this morning and wanted to say thank you! Is there somewhere I can leave a 5-star review? I will be recommending to my peers.
- Kariah from , RN, CHPN
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I just want to say thank you very much for helping me become a licensed plumber I passed my test and...I just want to say thank you very much for helping me become a licensed plumber I passed my test and the practice tests helped alot. Thank you very much for creating this program it helped me so much.
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