A counselor has designed his career counseling group in such a way that it presents a "field and levels" approach to careers. Whose theory is he following?
a. Holland
Roe's theory consists of 8 fields (Service, Business Contact, Organization, Technology, Outdoor, Science, General Culture, and Arts & Entertainment) and 6 levels (professional and managerial, levels 1 and 2; semiprofessional and small business, level 3; skilled, level 4; semiskilled, level 5; and unskilled, level 6). Holland created the Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC). Super's theory of career development includes the concept of self-concept and 5 stages of career development: Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline.
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b. Super
Roe's theory consists of 8 fields (Service, Business Contact, Organization, Technology, Outdoor, Science, General Culture, and Arts & Entertainment) and 6 levels (professional and managerial, levels 1 and 2; semiprofessional and small business, level 3; skilled, level 4; semiskilled, level 5; and unskilled, level 6). Holland created the Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC). Super's theory of career development includes the concept of self-concept and 5 stages of career development: Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline.
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c. Tiedeman
Roe's theory consists of 8 fields (Service, Business Contact, Organization, Technology, Outdoor, Science, General Culture, and Arts & Entertainment) and 6 levels (professional and managerial, levels 1 and 2; semiprofessional and small business, level 3; skilled, level 4; semiskilled, level 5; and unskilled, level 6). Holland created the Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC). Super's theory of career development includes the concept of self-concept and 5 stages of career development: Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline.
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d. Roe
Roe's theory consists of 8 fields (Service, Business Contact, Organization, Technology, Outdoor, Science, General Culture, and Arts & Entertainment) and 6 levels (professional and managerial, levels 1 and 2; semiprofessional and small business, level 3; skilled, level 4; semiskilled, level 5; and unskilled, level 6). Holland created the Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC). Super's theory of career development includes the concept of self-concept and 5 stages of career development: Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline.
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