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field (s) = CHPN-practice-test
SELECT q.qstnid, q.position, q.datatype, q.image, q.alignment, q.question, q.answerposn, q.answer, q.explanation, q.explainimage, q.section sectionid, section,, q.storyid, x.title, x.story, x.image storyimage, x.imagealt storyalt FROM examqstn q LEFT OUTER JOIN examsections s on q.qstnset=s.qstnset and LEFT OUTER JOIN examstories x on q.qstnset=x.qstnset and q.storyid=x.storyid WHERE q.qstnset=225 and (q.qstntype=3 or q.qstntype=1) and q.offline is null and q.disabled is null and q.datatype is not null ORDER BY position
SELECT choice, image FROM examchoices WHERE qstnid=224829 ORDER BY position
SELECT choice, image FROM examchoices WHERE qstnid=15322 ORDER BY position
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SELECT choice, image FROM examchoices WHERE qstnid=15323 ORDER BY position
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select question, answer from examqa where qstnset=225 order by position
SELECT e.qstnset, e.pagename, e.testcomment,, e.metatitle, e.metadesc, e.keywordsdesc, e.largeimage, ifnull(,e.authorname1) authorname1, e.authorname2, ifnull(, e.authoremail) authoremail, ifnull(,e.authorwebsite) authorwebsite,, e.categoryid, e.completionmsg, e.authorwebtitle, e.authortitle, e.version, catname, c.guideurl, c.dirtitle, c.dhtmltitle, c.htmldesciption, c.metadescription, c.keywordsdesc, c.categorydesc, c.htmldesciption, c.practicetesturl, c.toppagelinks, e.examname, e.copyright FROM examset e left outer join categories c on left outer join examauthors a on e.authorid=a.authorid WHERE e.offline is null and e.setname=?
field (s) = CHPN-practice-test
SELECT q.qstnid, q.position, q.datatype, q.image, q.alignment, q.question, q.answerposn, q.answer, q.explanation, q.explainimage, q.section sectionid, section,, q.storyid, x.title, x.story, x.image storyimage, x.imagealt storyalt FROM examqstn q LEFT OUTER JOIN examsections s on q.qstnset=s.qstnset and LEFT OUTER JOIN examstories x on q.qstnset=x.qstnset and q.storyid=x.storyid WHERE q.qstnset=225 and (q.qstntype=3 or q.qstntype=1) and q.offline is null and q.disabled is null ORDER BY position
SELECT choice, image FROM examchoices WHERE qstnid=224829 ORDER BY position
SELECT choice, image FROM examchoices WHERE qstnid=15322 ORDER BY position
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SELECT q.qstnid, q.position, q.datatype, q.image, q.alignment, q.question, q.answerposn, q.answer, q.explanation, q.explainimage, q.section sectionid, section,, q.storyid, x.title, x.story, x.image storyimage, x.imagealt storyalt FROM examqstn q LEFT OUTER JOIN examsections s on q.qstnset=s.qstnset and LEFT OUTER JOIN examstories x on q.qstnset=x.qstnset and q.storyid=x.storyid WHERE q.qstnset=225 and (q.qstntype=3 or q.qstntype=1) and q.offline is null and q.disabled is null and q.datatype is not null ORDER BY position
SELECT choice, image FROM examchoices WHERE qstnid=224829 ORDER BY position
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SELECT choice, image FROM examchoices WHERE qstnid=224843 ORDER BY position
select name, value from publiccontent where page='All Pages' or page='All Pages'

CHPN Practice Exam

2025 Edition

Take this free CHPN practice test to get a sample of the types of questions on the actual Hospice and Palliative Nurse certification exam. 

The CHPN exam is a 3 hour exam covering 150 multiple choice questions. The CHPN exam focuses on five domain practice areas: Life-limiting Conditions in Adult Patients, Pain Management, Symptom Management, Patient and Family Care and Practical Issues.  

You can also try the Complete 750 Question CHPN Practice Exam Kit with fully explained answers, testing tips and more.

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