CBIC® - Certification Board of Infection Control Exam

Find resources to become certified in infection control, such as practice tests, study guides and courses. The CBIC credential demonstrates a healthcare professional's knowledge in the field of infection control. The CBIC Exam is published by the Certified Board of Infection Control. For more information, see Tests.com's CBIC Test Guide.
Test Item Organization Description Cost
Location: Milwaukee WI
Email: info@cbic.org
Phone: (414) 918-9796

Organization: Certified Board of Infection Control
Address: 555 E. Wells StreetMilwaukee USA WI 53202
Phone: (414) 918-9796
Fax: (414) 276-3349
Certified Board of Infection Control
(414) 918-9796
The Certified Board of Infection Control Exam is for anyone who wants a career in the field of infection control and study.