A social worker is assessing a client's history for substance abuse. Which model provides the most comprehensive explanation for the complex nature of substance abuse disorders?
a. Medical Model
The Biopsychosocial Model incorporates hereditary predisposition, emotional and psychological problems, social influences, and environmental problems. The Medical Model views addiction as a chronic, progressive, relapsing, and potentially fatal medical disease. The Family and Environment Model is based on the explanation that substance abuse can be found in family and environmental factors such as behaviors shaped by family and peers, personality factors, physical and sexual abuse, disorganized communities, and school factors. The Social Model considers drug use as learned and that it is reinforced from others who serve as role models.
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b. Biopsychosocial Model
The Biopsychosocial Model incorporates hereditary predisposition, emotional and psychological problems, social influences, and environmental problems. The Medical Model views addiction as a chronic, progressive, relapsing, and potentially fatal medical disease. The Family and Environment Model is based on the explanation that substance abuse can be found in family and environmental factors such as behaviors shaped by family and peers, personality factors, physical and sexual abuse, disorganized communities, and school factors. The Social Model considers drug use as learned and that it is reinforced from others who serve as role models.
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c. Family and Environmental Model
The Biopsychosocial Model incorporates hereditary predisposition, emotional and psychological problems, social influences, and environmental problems. The Medical Model views addiction as a chronic, progressive, relapsing, and potentially fatal medical disease. The Family and Environment Model is based on the explanation that substance abuse can be found in family and environmental factors such as behaviors shaped by family and peers, personality factors, physical and sexual abuse, disorganized communities, and school factors. The Social Model considers drug use as learned and that it is reinforced from others who serve as role models.
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d. Social Model
The Biopsychosocial Model incorporates hereditary predisposition, emotional and psychological problems, social influences, and environmental problems. The Medical Model views addiction as a chronic, progressive, relapsing, and potentially fatal medical disease. The Family and Environment Model is based on the explanation that substance abuse can be found in family and environmental factors such as behaviors shaped by family and peers, personality factors, physical and sexual abuse, disorganized communities, and school factors. The Social Model considers drug use as learned and that it is reinforced from others who serve as role models.
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