2025 Edition
32 teeth make up a permanent dentition.
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Canine teeth are sometimes called "eye teeth."
Mesial is the closest proximal tooth surface toward the midline of the body.
8 premolars exist in a permanent dentition
Quadrants are the four parts when a mouth is divided into four sections: upper right, lower right, upper left and lower left.
Tooth #12 is the maxillary left first premolar.
Maxillary left second premolar is #25 when using the ISO system of tooth recording
Sexually transmitted is not a mode of disease transmission. It is a type of transmitted disease.
Hep B immunization is an effective vaccine that healthcare workers should be given to prevent the risk of occupational exposure.
Legionnaire's Disease can be spread through aerosols as well as aspirating contaminated water.
Acute infections are often very quick to appear and have severe symptoms.
Oral candidasis is a yeast infection of the mouth, sometimes called "thrush."
Pathogens are organisms that are capable of causing disease conditions.
Tetanus, also called "lock jaw" is a disease that is caused by spore bacteria.
Panoramic films allow the entire dentition to be viewed on a single, large film.
Panoramic film is not a major component of a panoramic x-ray unit. The main components are the tubehead, head positioner and exposure controls.
Electronic sensors are used in lieu of standard x-ray films when recording images of a patient's teeth. While standard films can have their image scanned into an electronic program, they are not by definition, digital x-rays.
FMX series inflict more radiation on a patient because they require multiple exposures for all 20 films. There is less radiation needed with a panoramic x-ray.
Having the patient place their tongue in the roof of their mouth during a panoramic x-ray prevents a large radiolucent area in the palate on the processed x-ray.
Sensors are more sensitive with digital radiography than traditional x-ray films, allowing the exposure time to be less, reducing radiation.
Intraoral sensors are waterproofed by the manufacturer, but because they cannot be sterilized, they must have a disposable barrier placed on them prior to use with each patient.
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