Certified Internal Auditor Exam - CIA®

CIA test resources including certified internal auditor practice tests, CIA certification information, study guides and more. The CIA credential demonstrates one's knowledge in internal auditing and is offered by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). The Certified Internal Auditor Exam is published by the Institute of Internal Auditors. For more information, see Tests.com's CIA Test Guide.
Test Item Organization Description Cost
CIA Exam
CIA Exam
Location: Altamonte Springs FL
Email: CustomerRelations@theiia.org
Phone: (407) 937-1111
Location Type: Online

Organization: Institute of Internal Auditors
Address: 247 Maitland AvenueAltamonte Springs USA FL 32701-4201
Phone: (407) 937-1111
Fax: (407) 937-1101
Institute of Internal Auditors
(407) 937-1111
The Certified Internal Auditor Exam is the only globally accepted certification to be a professional internal auditor.