select id, url, name, guideurl, guidelink, guidetitle, guidemetadescription, dirtitle, dhtmltitle, htmldesciption, metadescription, keywordsdesc, categorydesc, htmldesciption, practicetesturl, toppagelinks, examid, examtext1, examtext2, examimage from categories where url=? and enabled is not null
field (s) = Medical-Assistant-Testing
select id, name, url, guideurl, guidelink, guidecontent, guidebox, guidetitle, ghtmltitle, htmldesciption, keywordsdesc, tabletitle, what, who, wherefield, whenfield, how, type, why, time, language, preparation, cost, guidemetadescription, guidekeywordsdesc, guidedescription, practicetesturl, toppagelinks from categories where guideurl=? and enabled is not null
field (s) = Medical-Assistant-Testing
select distinct adid, link, image, imgtitle, imgalt, rank, showgoogle from adsdesc where status is null and categoryid=800 union all select distinct adid, link, image, imgtitle, imgalt, rank+200, showgoogle from adsdesc where status is null and parentid=800 union all select distinct adid, link, image, imgtitle, imgalt, rank+300, showgoogle from adsdesc where status is null and rootid=800 union all select adid, link, image, imgtitle, imgalt, rank+100, showgoogle from ad where status is null and rank is not null order by rank limit 10
select linkname, url, template, examid, viewid, pageid from categorylinks where catid=800 order by posn

PHP Error
Error number 8: Undefined variable: link_cnt
Line 54 of /home/testdeveloper/secure_html/Alp/classes/Advertisements.php

select id, pagedataid from categories where id = 800
select, p.template from categories c, pagedata p where and
select name, value from publiccontent where page='All Pages' or page='All Pages'